Paperpon, happy birthday to my adik, Syikin.. selamat melangkah ke umur yg lebih tua.. Bab kata omputeh, happy sweet 20.. So far, nih lah sambutan birthday yg paling meriah penah aku celebrate dlm UMP. pak guard pon sporting kasi chance extend time lebih kol 12. Banyak2 mekasih kat bestfriend syikin, Amin, sbb totally dia yg sponsor and bersungguh2 organize dis party.

Citer sket sal Syikin nih yg first time aku kenal masa Survey Camp dan kebetulan kitaorg mmg satu group.. Walaupon baru kenal, kemesraan tue macam dah lme kenal.. Kitorg selalu gak sharing story dan bagi pendapat if one of us got problem. Its make us more be called as Sibling. Walaupon bkn adik kandung yg btol, tp ambik berat tue adalah satu amalan yg sentiasa teramal. She cares & I care, My girl also care. Conclusion, We Care, We Love.. Got problem, telling each other. Bknnye pendam2 sesama manusia dan beraksi seperti org asing.
We should give all our love to each other.
Not this hate that destroys us.
Not this hate that destroys us.