Kemudahan untuk dak2 sec A12, A22 dan A3* dn sebagainya, I tried to upload some photo of our class in hosting website called Mediafire. If you ladies and gentlemens was interesting to download it, you can visit my link http://www.mediafire.com/prospicture .
It's my first experience, and of course, hopefully you don't mind of any mistake. More than that, i will create a new widget in my blog sidebar easier for you to look up any interesting thing to download. But here, i would like to put, the first moment picture to be downloaded. Remember our english subject? called technical descriptions, in semester 1? Here again for you to refresh the memory. Enjoy!
It's my first experience, and of course, hopefully you don't mind of any mistake. More than that, i will create a new widget in my blog sidebar easier for you to look up any interesting thing to download. But here, i would like to put, the first moment picture to be downloaded. Remember our english subject? called technical descriptions, in semester 1? Here again for you to refresh the memory. Enjoy!
click here to download
Booth's Day
File size : 47 mb
Contain : 111 pictures
Location : Kompleks Sukan UMP
Subject : Technical Descriptions presentation.
File size : 47 mb
Contain : 111 pictures
Location : Kompleks Sukan UMP
Subject : Technical Descriptions presentation.